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[Editorial] President Should Respond To Dissidents of NMDP

[Editorial] President Should Respond To Dissidents of NMDP

Posted May. 25, 2001 08:00,   


Now, it’s time for President Kim Dae-Jung, the president of the ruling Millennium Democratic Party, to respond to the dissidents of his party. The reply needs to include the honest answers to such questions as to why he had appointed the 43 hour-resided minister, who had recommended Mr. Ahn, on what basis did the President decide to appoint Ahn, what kind of verification process had been undertaken, and why the mal-function of the human management had repeated under his administration? The demand for the Presidential response is not only of 6 young lawmakers of NMDP, but also by the most Koreans.

The reason why he must respond is very clear. When the right of the personnel management exclusively belongs to the President, the ultimate responsibility also belongs exclusively to the President. The question, ``Who had recommended Mr. Ahn,`` is only a minor matter. No matter who had recommended Mr. Ahn, the decision was made by the President. Excuses from the responsibility, saying that associates of Chung Wa Dae recommended Ahn or the ruling party urged to appoint him, definitely misses the point.

The response of Chung Wa Dae associates is deplorable saying that, ``The reprimand of the recommenders will eventually hurt the President.`` The fundamental resolution can not be accpeted with their anachronistic feudal consciousness that no one can question the right of Presidential human resource management. The responses of some senior members of NMDP, saying ``How dare you kids [stand against the decision of the seniors],`` only illustrates the urgent need of the overall reformation of the ruling Party.

The party must not quibblingly covers up the controversies related with Ahn`s appointment, insisting that the incident had occurred only after the decision of the appointment and insisting that now is the time to make every effort for solidarity of the party since the new Justice of Minister has been already appointed. It is not enough that the Supreme Council of the ruling party accepted the problems of the human management system and agreed to strengthen the process of verification. They have repeatedly resorted to temporary expediency with deceptive pledges that they would prevent the reoccurrence of the problems after collecting the party`s public opinions.

Therefore, the President needs to respond directly to the people. He may need to declare that there will be no more human management violation hindering the legal process of the system.

To overcome the current crisis of Korean politics and to be a successful President, a striking change of President Kim Dae-Jung’s consciousness is vital, giving up his desire for the re-gaining of power. He has to recognize the `loyalty` of the young six. He needs to establish a democratic system both in spirit and practice. The overall reformation has to be undertaken from the President`s neighbors.

Now, it`s time for the President to make a decision.