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[Editorial] Divorce Cases Are Increasing

Posted May. 24, 2001 08:40,   


As divorce rate has increased, disintegration of the family is becoming a serious social problem. According to a survey conducted by the National Statistical Office, a total of 120,000 couples divorced last year. An average of 329 couples per day divorced. The divorce rate increased by 1.7percent compared with 1999 and a ten-time more compared with 1970. Last year, a total of 334,000 couples, that is, an average of 915 couples per day, were married. One out of three married couples was divorced. The number of the divorce case per 1,000 people in Korea (2.5) exceeded the number of other developed countries, such as Japan (2.0), German (2.3), Canada (2.4), and Switzerland (2.3).

Currently, it is highly noticeable that people are easily getting married and are easily getting divorced. Some people divorce right after their honeymoon trips. `Divorce in golden years` is also increasing. In the past, the main reason for the divorce was either a marital affair by a spouse or a conflict between mother and daughter-in-law. However, money issue, internet addiction, and battering are the major reasons for divorce these days. Especially, the increase of unemployment since the IMF has contributed in the rise of divorce rate.

Of course, one cannot consider divorce only from a negative perspective. Once one realizes that the marriage is not working, it seems natural to choose another way, instead of enduring the marriage. Everyone should have the right to divorce and to be happy. The fact that women have upper hand in divorce process reflects the current social trend.

However, there are more people who are unhappy through divorce in our society. Children are hurt the most. Various statistics show that children in a divorced family easily fall into the world of crime and often suffer mentally. 90% of the children, who were recently placed at the Seoul Municipal Protection Center for Children by their parents, came from divorced families.

Pedagogists emphasize the importance of the harmony between the couple for the sake of children’s education. Fundamental family education is absent in the children of divorced families.

It is said that there are many cases of `latent divorce` in our society. This anticipates that divorce will increase in the future. Dialogue is the most important way for the couple to overcome the family crisis.

Family is an important constituent in today’s society because the healthy family is a driving force for the development of the society.