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Database of Officials` Corruption Launched

Posted May. 24, 2001 08:38,   


The government has pursued to establish the database which contains all examples of corruptions committed by the government officials since February, 1998. Hence, its background and results have called much attention.

An official of Office of Government Policy Coordination (OGPC) told that ``the strategic approach to officials` corruption has lacked thus far. Hence, the government will establish the database classified by inducing environments and types, and will utilize it for setting general measures to prevent injustice and corruption of government officials.``

However, a section of the government pointed out that this database work would shrink the atmosphere of political circles, in which the audit and inspection to officials have rumored.

An official related to the audit told that the government`s request of the data of injustice and corruption committed by all officials including medium and low ranking officials seemed to be abrupt.

However, ``because the database will be made in order to build the basic data for the scientific analysis, the concrete names and personal informations had been erased before accepting the data from the department and the offices.`` OGPC told. ``there will be no victim from this work.``

Boo Hyung-Kwon bookum90@donga.com