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Japan`s Private Enterprises Launches `Nano` Research

Posted May. 15, 2001 08:11,   


Private enterprises in Japan are establishing a professional research system for Nanotechnology. `Nano` refers to one billionth, and recently became very popular as a jargon of ultra-small material technology. Because it can be widely applied to various fields such as molecular robotics and ultra mini computer, Nanotechnology has been acknowledged as a highly advanced field equivalent to information technology (IT).

The Federation of Japanese Industries (FJI) prospected that the market scale related Nanotechnology will reach at 27 trillion yen (about 270 trillion won).

The U. S. who possesses the most advanced Nanotechnology, designated the Nanotechnology as a national strategy last year. And the US government assigned a budget of $ 0.495 billion. The Japan government also designated the Nanotechnology as a priority research field, and General Scientific Technology Council (GSTC) is forming the related strategies. The Chairman of GSTC is the current Prime Minister, Koizumi Junichiro, and the budget of 51.8 billion yen was assigned for research development in this field.

Mitsubishi Chemical newly founded Nanotechnology research institute, and launched the development of new material using the analysis of atomic structure and composition technology. And Dore decided to invest 5 billion yen to establish a Nanotechnology research institute. This institute is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2003, and will undertake the research fusing Nanotechnology and life science technology, such as medical materials of next generation information micro devices.

Asahi Glass Co. began a research to manipulate the structure of glass. Fujitu made a research center in Japan at the end of last year and established a research institutes in Europe and the U. S. to develop new material and next general computer, etc.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan framed a plan to form a virtual Nanotech institute on the internet, which help universities and public research institutes share the accomplishments of research, and to instigate a collaborative research.

Lee Young-Ee yes202@donga.com