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‘One-day teacher’

Posted May. 15, 2001 08:52,   


``It’s fine to enjoy the group `H.O.T.` and `god`. But, let`s have time to appreciate our gracious teachers, at least today.``

Lee Hoi-Chang, president of the Grand National Party served as `one-day teacher` at Haesung Women`s Middle School (Jeonnong Dong, Dongdaemoon Ku, Seoul) on Teachers` Day.

Lee recalled his youthful years and told 800 students that ``Teachers are no longer respected from students and our society, which is a gross social problem.`` He asked students to trust and respect teachers.

In a luncheon with teachers and 30 parent representatives of the school, Lee, president of GNP, pointed out that ``The government did not keep its pledge which promised the guaranteed budget of 5-6percent of GNP for education.`` ``Although the current financial situation is not in good shape, investment for education should be made because it is an investment of our future,`` said Lee.

Lee also added that ‘‘One of GNP’s national reform plans is educational development. Fundamental reform in education should take place in order to cultivate well-integrated creative person by breaking away from banking education system.‘‘ ‘‘20000 teachers had to leave their teaching profession due to the government’s early retirement plan. I will do my best to recover the old retirement plan in the National Assembly in June.‘‘

Sun Dae-In eodls@donga.com