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US Re-examines Military Relationship with China

Posted May. 04, 2001 10:19,   


The US-China relationship seems getting worse, George W. Bush said that his administration was reexamining the military relationship with China and warned the possibility of its disconnection of the military relationship with China.

Responding to the questions concerning the military relationship with China, Bush stated that he `will reexamine everthing related to China, and will not hold anything that does not improve the relationship between the two nations.`

This statement of Bush, which came out only one day after the US Defense Department made a fuss May 2 to withdraw its order to disconnect the military relationship to China, well evidences the stumbling relationship between the two.

In addition, Colin Powell, the Secretary of State, said that the US is considering of objection to the Chinese Summer Olympiic in 2008, in the US Sanate Appropriation Committee. This new position different from its previous one that the matter of Olympic is only upon the decision of IOC and therefore it`s not a concern of the US, seems to fuel Chinese anger more seriously.

Han Ki-Heung eligius@donga.com