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Japanese pop culture opening at stake

Posted May. 04, 2001 11:37,   


According to the Japanese reporters on May 3, Kim Han-gil, Minister of Culture and Tourism, said that an additional open-door policy on Japanese culture would not take place unless the Japanese history textbook issue is not properly resolved.

At the interview with Asahi Shimbun, Minister Kim said, “The issue of Japanese history textbook and the open-door policy on Japanese culture are inseparable.” He implied that the open-door policy on Japanese culture would be suspended until the Korean government’s request for the revision is accepted.

If the cultural exchange between Korea and Japan, which was designed to promote the cooperation between two countries as they co-host 2002 FIFA World Cup, stops at this moment, it will be a new burden to the new Japanese Cabinet, said one reporter.

Minister Kim added, “It is important to make a common textbook that will define the similarities as well as the differences between two countries.” Meanwhile, at the interview with Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Minister Kim said that the Korean government was considering a possibility to hold a couple of soccer games in North Korea and would make an adjustment plan by October.

Lee Young-Ee yes202@donga.com