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State of rebellion declared in Philippines

Posted May. 03, 2001 14:03,   


The `state of rebellion` by the supporters of the former President Joseph Estrada, announced by the Philippine government, has come to a state of lull. Sporadic protests in Manila have continued but the potential extreme crisis seems to be avoided.

However, an apple of discord still persists. General election is already scheduled on May 14 and the former President, who is imprisoned on charge of alleged corruption, does not yield to step back. Philippine Inquirer reported that two police officers and one protester were killed and 113 people injured by the bloodshed rally on May 1.

The former President Estrada criticized the riot suppression of government to his supporters and stated that the fight is just in the beginning and no one could suppress rightful rage of people.

Meanwhile, the President Gloria Arroyo assured that she would arrest and punish those who had plotted this commotion.