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2nd reform plan for public organizations

Posted April. 29, 2001 17:56,   


Ministry of Planning and Budget (MOPB) announced a ``2001 Plan for Management Innovation for Public Organizations.`` Under this plan, 18 state-run organizations will eliminate 2,106 jobs by the end of this year. The National Health Insurance Corp. will slash 1,024 staff and the Korea Teachers Pension has to sell its building in Oryu-dong, Daejon. Also the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs will sell off its 88 Golf Club. A total of 42 public offices, including those above, have to raise 850 billion won by selling 114 assets by the end of this year.

The reform plans were drawn up by public organizations, not by the central government, and 214 organizations will push forward with 1,906 issues of management innovation.

Kim Kyung-Sup, chief of the government reform bureau said, ``In addition to lay-offs and asset sales, 116 organizations will save 320 billion won of ordinary expenditure and the government will save another 100 billion won by entrusting civil offices with works usually done by the government.``

Choi Young-Hae moneychoi@donga.com