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SPPO launches narcotics department

Posted April. 23, 2001 19:09,   


The government has declared a pan-government fight against narcotics and decided to operate an inter-ministry organ to work out measures against drug abuse, starting next month. As part of the government`s efforts to oust narcotics from society, the Supreme Public Prosecutor`s Office (SPPO) Monday launched a department of narcotics that will lead the nationwide investigative agencies in preparing for an all-out war against the drug traffickers` organizations at home and abroad. The newly launched department at the SPPO started its official business immediately after hanging a signboard at the SPPO in Seoul.

The SPPO is also seeking to drastically strengthen international cooperation with neighboring countries like China and Japan, so that they can form a joint investigation team, if necessary, instead of the previous simple cooperative probe among the countries.

On the occasion of setting up the department of narcotics, the SPPO will start to operate the projected inter-ministry anti-drug commission next month to work out effective measures against narcotics. The commission will be headed by the chief of the SPPO department of narcotics and will be manned by officials from related government agencies like the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs.