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Government to proclaim gender equality charter in July

Posted April. 18, 2001 18:11,   


The ministry of gender equality will provide a one-stop service by improving Emergency call 1366 installed to be used by victims of sexual violence, assault and battery at home. The service will begin offering emergency rescue and relief, medical care and professional counsel in July.

A model to evaluate public policies from the perspective of gender equality will also be developed and applied to pilot programs. In conjunction with women`s organizations the government will draft and proclaim a 21st century charter for equal rights for men and women during the "women`s week" in early July. These were key elements of a report on the ministry`s agenda for the year presented by minister Han Myung-sook to President Kim Dae-Jung at the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae.

She said development of female human resources and protection of the rights and interests of women keynote this year`s order of business for the ministry. Han disclosed a plan to streamline, in cooperation with the ministry of health and welfare, day care centers for infants and off-school instruction programs for children across the board to help women do their work and homemaking at the same time. A subcommittee aimed at training skilled women in information technology will be established with representatives from the gender equality ministry and ministries of information-communication, commerce-industry-energy and labor, and increased budgetary appropriations would be sought for programs for women, according to her.

The ministry business plan calls for a revision of the law for the prevention of sexual discrimination and rescue measures to lay down the basis for punishing indirect discrimination against women, and for strengthening the law against prostitution to prohibit forced prostitution and aid in the rehabilitation of street walkers. Amendment bills will be submitted to the National Assembly in time for its fall regular session.