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'66-year-old King Youngjo marries to 15-year-old girl'

Posted April. 18, 2001 17:27,   


It was in early summer in the year of 1759 at Changgyong Palace when 66-year-old King Youngjo, the bridegroom, married to 15-year-old Queen Chongsun, the bride, in a wedding ceremony.

It`s really curious. What was the royal wedding of Choson period like? How was queen was chosen and what were the necessary articles for marriage?

This book invites readers to the royal wedding of that time, showing everything about it. Based on various historical data, this book reenacts all things about royal family wedding.

The wedding culture of the royal family also testifies to the then political situation in the 18th century. The book also contains some common senses about history like ``Why was the history warehouse on the mountain?`` or ``How many meals did Choson people take a day?``

Written by Sin Byung Joo / 292 Pages / 18,000 won / HyoHyung Publishing Co.

Lee Kwawg-Pyo kplee@donga.com