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Signature-collecting campaign launched against householder system

Signature-collecting campaign launched against householder system

Posted April. 17, 2001 18:51,   


The Korea Women`s Associations United (KWAU) held Tuesday a ceremony marking the start of signature-gathering campaign against the nation`s householder system at the front of the Myongdong Branch Office of Hanvit Bank and kicked off the drive in the Seoul streets.

Ji Eun-Hee, executive representative of the KWAU, asserted that the present householder system distorted the traditional family relationship and regenerated patriarchism, and urged the Constitutional Court to hand down a verdict endorsing the ruling made by the Seobu Branch of the Seoul District Court in January that the householders` system was in breach of the Constitution.

The KWAU has decided to hit the streets for collecting signatures from the citizens once a week through four weeks, and will receive on-line signatures (www.no-hoju.women21.or.kr).

In the day, the KWAU staged performance depicting a three-year-old child`s becoming the master of his family by taking precedence of his 60-year-old grand mother and the abortions of the female infants.

Suh Young-A sya@donga.com