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Pyongyang Broadcasting calls US invader

Posted April. 15, 2001 18:05,   


The Rodong Shinmun, the official organ of the North Korean Workers` Party, claimed Saturday that the United States was avoiding a solution to the North Korean missile issue through talks purposely. In a commentary, the newspaper said that the U.S. was driving N.K.-U.S. relations into an extreme situation, and the North would cope with it by a strong counteraction.

Meanwhile, Pyongyang Broadcasting claimed that the U.S. had revealed its invader attitude by daring military attacks around the globe in order to realize its strategy of conquering the world. It called the U.S., an ``invader disguised as an apostle of peace`` and a ``murderer.`` The radio citing the U.S. intervention in the Kosovo issue and its air-raids on Iraq, stated that the peace, safety and survival of mankind had been gravely threatened by the U.S. imperialists. The U.S. is proving that it is committing murder and destruction and bloody tragedies are taking place, the radio claimed.

Ha Tae-Won scooop@donga.com