Posted March. 27, 2001 18:32,
Singer Kim Jo-Han, 27, born in the United States, underwent training to correct his pronunciation of the Korean language for the past year. Holding a ballpoint pen between his teeth for some hours every day, he sang songs or read novels. The fruits of his efforts are that his Korean speaking ability has greatly improved to the extent that he makes sly remarks on various entertainment shows like ``Soh Se-Won`s Talk Show.``
He devoted himself to speaking better Korean ahead of the release of his third album. Released in February, the record already sold more than 140,000 copies on the strength of the title song ``Until Today.`` Taking into consideration the unexpected poor marketing of his previous two solo albums, released since the disbandment of Solid in 1997, the success of the third record was somewhat a surprise. Kim is now enjoying his second heyday after his days as a member of the popular group.
In April, Kim will seek to boost his popularity with a hip hop song, ``L.O.V.E. (Love).`` The song combines hip hop rhythms and rap with a smooth melody. Kim will once again demonstrate his ``stick dance,`` which was his trademark in his Solid days. Rapping is done by Hoony Hoon, 23, (whose real name Chung Jae-Hoon).