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Geneva accords to be honored: state dept.

Posted March. 20, 2001 18:30,   


The United States will abide by the Agreed Framework reached with North Korea in Geneva in 1994, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Monday.

The spokesman noted that the U.S. is in a position to honor the Geneva nuclear freeze agreement on the condition that North Korea holds up its end of the bilateral pact.

The Agreed Framework is keynoted by the North`s freeze of its nuclear weapons development program in exchange for the provision of two light-water reactors and interim fuel oil to the North Korean side, in line with the previous Bill Clinton administration`s engagement policy with Pyongyang.

In connection with Secretary of State Colin Powell`s statement that the Bush administration would make an overall review of its North Korean policy. Boucher said that the administration is currently reviewing the existing policies, adding that no final decisions have been made. He disclosed that the existing windows for contacting Pyongyang would be maintained.