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Bush to visit Korea in October

Posted March. 18, 2001 17:13,   


U.S. President George W. Bush will travel to South Korea, Japan and China in October, the White House said on Friday.

White House deputy spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush would visit Korea and Japan before attending the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum meeting in Shanghai. From there he would go on to Beijing, although a specific itinerary has yet to be set.

As the APEC summit is to open Oct. 20, the U.S. president is expected to come to Korea in the middle of October. According to a diplomatic source in Washington, the United States confirmed news of President Bush`s trip to Beijing after it was revealed by Chinese officials, at which time his stops in Korea and Japan were also made known.

Bush reportedly placed priority on meeting leaders of countries seen as key allies prior to a visit to China. However, negotiations have not yet begun with Seoul over detailed schedules and agendas for bilateral talks.

Han Ki-Heung eligius@donga.com