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Joint funeral service held for six firefighters

Posted March. 06, 2001 19:05,   


A joint funeral service was held at Seoul City Hall Tuesday for the six firefighters who were killed while battling a blaze at a house in western Seoul Sunday morning.

Some 4,000 people, including the bereaved families of the dead, attended the ceremony to honor their sacrifice.

Kim Kwang-Soo, chief of Seoul`s fire prevention headquarters, said in a eulogy, ``It is hard for us to endure losing you after sharing your joys and sorrows and risking our lives together in the course of carrying out our duties. We will do our utmost to ensure that your sacrifice was not made in vain,``

The families of the victims later broke down in tears as Park No-Tae, chief of Seoul Sobu Fire Station, where the deceased served, reviewed their personal histories. Some of them fainted as the names of the dead were read out.

Family members and others laid flowers before the portraits of the dead while a firefighting band played a funeral dirge and honor guards of the Army`s 56th Division fired 24 volleys in their honor.

Their bodies were cremated at Pyokchae Municipal Crematorium in Koyang City, Kyonggi-do after being taken for a brief stop at the Sobu Fire Station. Upon receiving Cabinet approval, authorities will bury their remains at the Taejon National Cemetery.

Park Yun-Chul yc97@donga.com