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Kim chairs first video cabinet meeting

Posted February. 26, 2001 18:58,   


President Kim Dae-Jung on Monday presided over a video conference session with his cabinet at the main central government building in downtown Seoul. The president held discussions with 16 ministers, including Prime Minister Lee Han-Dong and Vice Prime Minister in charge of Education Han Wan-Sang, who have their offices in the same building, while the remaining 11 cabinet members participated from their offices at the Kwachon Government Building south of the Han River. Each member of the two groups sat in conference over 12-inch screens that transmitted their voices and images.

Discussions took place on matters such as reducing joblessness, disbursing 80 percent of the appropriations for infrastructure construction in the first half of the year and public investment in preschool education -- all of which call for speedy budgetary support. After the conference, President Kim said the new mode of telecommunications for official debates made a great deal of sense in terms of time management and enhanced administrative efficiency. He expressed the hope that it could be a vital first step toward ushering in an e-government in Korea.

Yun Seung-Mo ysmo@donga.com