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Record snowfall hits central area, cancels domestic flights

Record snowfall hits central area, cancels domestic flights

Posted February. 15, 2001 19:22,   


The heaviest-ever snowfall in the nation`s central region, including Seoul and Kangwon Province, left the nation`s land, sea and air traffic systems paralyzed Thursday.

Most domestic flights were cancelled and coastal passenger ships were confined to port in the face of the record snow.

With a first-degree warning of heavy snowfall still in effect, many roads were impassable and vehicles moved at the snail¡¯s pace across the city, causing tremendous inconvenience to commuters during evening rush hour.

Seoul surpassed a 32-record by registering 22.7cm of snow as of 4 p.m. Thursday. Kanghwa had 27.2 cm of snowfall, Chunchon 23cm, Chorwon 11.9cm and Hongchon 16cm, according to the Korea Meteorogical Administration (KMO).

Almost all domestic flights, including Korean Air KE1123 from Seoul to Pusan, were cancelled as of 6 p.m.

International flights were also delayed for three to four hours to the great inconvenience of passengers.

The KMO forecast that the snow would continue until late Thursday, with an additional 5 to 10cm expected in most areas and more than 30cm in some regions.
