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Eco-preservation of DMZ urged

Posted February. 05, 2001 17:29,   


During a briefing by the Environment Ministry at Cheong Wa Dae Monday, President Kim Dae-Jung expressed concern on three points. They were how to minimize environmental damage in the cross-border relinking of the Seoul-Shinuiju rail line and promote environmental cooperation between the two Koreas, how to strengthen environmental impact studies and how to foster the environmental industry.

The president said the preservation of the environment within the DMZ was probably the only positive legacy of the Korean division, describing it as a rare treasure of humanity. He showed particular interest in measures to conserve the environment here.

Kim stressed the need for the nation to emerge as an environment-friendly industrial country. The value of the environmental industry in Korea is expected to jump 15 trillion won in 2008 from 8.5 trillion won in 2000, according to President Kim, and its value on the international market is forecast to reach $1.02 trillion from $380 billion in 2000.

He pointed out that the World Economic Forum in Davos placed Korea 95th out of 122 nations in the environmental sustenance index. The lower ranking was attributable to the fact the study used figures from 1990-96 and inept public relations on the part of the Korean government, Kim added.