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North Korea to establish SEZs

Posted January. 26, 2001 19:07,   


North Korea will set up special economic zones (SEZs) modeled after those in Shanghai, a South Korean government official quoted Kim Jong-Il, chairman of the North Korean National Defense Commission and de facto leader of the Communist country, Friday as saying when he visited the Chinese city earlier this month.

According to the official, Kim said that he would establish special economic zones in North Korea and also go ahead with a planned visit to Seoul. The remarks were confirmed by the Chinese government in a briefing to South Korean government officials on Kim¡¯s activities in China.

The official also said that since Kim¡¯s China visit, North Korean state-run press organizations have been running articles focusing on strengthened North Korea-Chinese ties and Kim¡¯s active diplomatic activities.

He also analyzed that the North is seeking to strengthen its cooperative ties with foreign countries, given that it often uses terms such as national economy instead of self-rehabilitation.

The official said, however, that unlike broadcast reports, North Korean newspapers do not use the term "beginning of the world" in their editorials, perhaps considering it appropriate only for Kim to do so.