Posted January. 26, 2001 11:28,
I am a housewife working a double shift and have a 5-year-old son. Several days ago, my son caught a cold, and I hurriedly left the office, but I barely managed to arrive at a clinic in the neighborhood at 6:10 p.m.
The clinic demanded that I pay a surcharge for a night medical treatment of my son, in addition to the fee charged for his first visit. Finally, I had to pay 4,900 won, which added a 2,000-won surcharge to the original fee of 2,900 won.
On my question about what is the starting time of the night medical treatment, they said it is 5 p.m.
I think the starting time of night medical treatment is too early. In reality, those of us working double shifts could not go to a clinic before 5 p.m. without leaving the office early or taking a vacation. I hope the beginning hour of the night medical treatment be put off more.
Kim Young-Ock (Pub-dong, Taeduck-gu, Taejon)