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Lewd Web casters closed

Posted January. 19, 2001 18:42,   


The Seoul District Prosecution Office Friday ordered three internet broadcasters, including Enter Channel, to be closed and confiscated their computer files and related materials containing pornographic pictures and literature. Prosecutors have been cracking down on such racy networks that profess to target adult audiences.

The prosecution is searching for the heads of these firms who went into hiding. So far, ten such porn internet stations have had their business suspended. The prosecution authorities are determined to step up monitoring pornographic Web casters in conjunction with the Information-Communication Ethics Commission under the Ministry of Information and Communication. Offenders will be brought to justice and their networks closed down.

To be subjected to intensive monitoring are 21 adult-oriented internet stations that the commission has found to be harmful to the morals of children.

Lee Myoung-Gun gun43@donga.com