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DMZ likely to be named as UNESCO conservation area

Posted January. 17, 2001 19:49,   


United Nations Educational, scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is likely to designate the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which divides the Korean peninsula into democratic South Korea and communist North Korea, as a biosphere conservation area next year at the earliest.

After consulting with North Korea on the issue this year, the government plans to submit an official application to UNESCO for the designation, an official at the Ministry of Environment said Wednesday.

UNESCO designates regions throughout the world, which form borders between two countries as conservation areas in a bid to curb development. At present, five areas, including parts of the Poland-Slovakia border, are so designated.

The government policy falls in line with President Kim Dae-Jung's statement at a gathering of environmental specialists Tuesday that the government would manage the DMZ in cooperation with UNESCO.

Kim Joon-Seok kjs359@donga.com