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Junior lawmakers agree on reforms

Posted January. 10, 2001 13:45,   


Twenty-seven junior members of the National Assembly from both the ruling and opposition camps agreed to work together to push reform bills through and break down undemocratic political practices.

Among those yet-to-be established politicians meeting at Yoido Hotel in Seoul Tuesday evening were Reps. Lee Jae-Jong and Jeong Bom-Gu of the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) and Reps. Kim Won-Wung and Kim Hong-Shin of the Grand National Party (GNP).

A statement issued at the end of the gathering said that they had agreed on joint endeavors for the reformist legislation of a proposed human rights bill and an anti-corruption bill and revisions to the National Security Law, and doing away with undemocratic practices in the running of political party and legislature. As examples, it gave the perfunctory conduct of the general conference of parliamentarians.

The lawmakers agreed to meet every month regularly and to have a four-man steering subcommittee including Reps. Lee Jae-Jong and Kim Won-Wung study the composition, name and the direction of the group. The accord also called for increased membership. They reportedly had intensive discussions on the current political standoff between the political parties, but the contents of the talks were not make public.

"We have agreed to raise our voice on matters small but practicable," Rep. Kim Won-Wung said. "And this group is expected to take the lead in future reform and change of the political community."

Meanwhile, Rep. Chun Jeong-Bae, senior deputy floor leader of the MDP, who attended the meeting, offered his apology for the railroading of the National Assembly Law by immoderate means last year.