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Quotations of the day

Posted January. 10, 2001 20:01,   


The show is getting into full swing. (A donga.com netizen on Wednesday, commenting on the "loaning" of another Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) member of the National Assembly to the United Liberal Democrats.)

Insisting that economic conditions are not bad can not helps the economic recovery. (Rep. Kim Won-Gil of the MDP during a lecture on Wednesday, stressing the importance of economic policymakers accepting objective conditions stoically and fostering their capacity for crisis management.)

Diplomats are supposed to make their best effort to behave as men of character. (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in its guidelines to all overseas missions, admonishing members of the foreign service to conduct themselves with dignity in all private and public activities because they represent the authority and honor of the state and country.)

It runs counter to a government policy of encouraging the use of credit cards. (A Finance-Economy Ministry official on Wednesday, commenting on Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry's recommendation that the government issue large denomination bills to stimulate business, and warning of a sharpened division between the haves and have-nots and a thriving black market if such bills came into circulation.)

Thieves are raising merry hell instead of lying low. (A netizen visiting the Cheong Wa Dae Website on Wednesday, taking a dig at Grand National Party lawmakers who allegedly received campaign funds from the state intelligence service several years ago.)