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Emigrants to Canada surging

Posted January. 08, 2001 19:58,   


The number of Koreans emigrating to Canada has been increasing at a rapid pace.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Monday, the number of Koreans who emigrated to foreign countries was 15,307 last year, an increase of 2,652 (20.9%) from the 12,655 registered in 1999. Of the total, 87.2% or 2,312 persons emigrated to Canada.

Those resettling in Canada, which numbered 6,783 in 1999, topped the list for emigrants for the first time, outpacing those to the United States (5,360 persons).

Emigrants to Canada accounted for 60.6% of the total last year with 9,295, widening the gap with those to the United States (5,244 persons, 34.4%), who ranked second. Third place went to emigrants to Australia with 392 persons (2.5%), and fourth to those to New Zealand with 348 persons (2.3%).

An official at the ministry said that it has become more difficult for Koreans to emigrate to the United States, whereas Canada has been actively attracting so-called investment emigrants. Canada established an independent emigration office in Seoul last October and shortened the period for emigration procedures by two to three months.

According to recent statistics for the January-July period of last year, 98.9% of total Korean emigrants to Canada, or 5,180 persons, were those seeking jobs in Canada with in-demand qualifications or those willing to make investments exceeding a certain amount.

The number of Koreans who returned home after living in foreign countries decreased by 8.3% from 4,799 in 1999 to 4,397 last year.