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KNR seeks charges over notebook computer thefts

Posted January. 07, 2001 19:15,   


The Korean National Railroad (KNR) sought to press charges Sunday against a man accused of stealing notebook computers.

The public safety department of the KNR¡¯s Seoul Regional Office was looking to have a man in his twenties arrested on charges of habitually stealing notebook computers from passengers on night trains on the Seoul-Pusan Line.

According to the police, the man stole a notebook computer worth 2.98 million won at around 1:00 a.m. from a passenger who was sleeping on a ¡°Mugunghwa¡± night train from Seoul for Chinju. He is also suspected of stealing seven notebook computers (worth a combined 20 million won) beginning in 1998.

There have been 15 notebook computer thefts reported on the Seoul-Pusan Line since 1998. Police are grilling the suspect in the case.