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Kim to meet press Thursday morning

Posted January. 07, 2001 19:21,   


President Kim Dae-Jung will hold his first press conference of 2001 at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Cheong Wa Dae presidential office.

He will outline his vision and programs for the new year, giving his position on ways of revitalizing national politics, promoting unity and fostering an economic recovery. He will also address the controversy of the ruling Millennium Democratic Party's decision to renew its alliance with the splinter United Liberal Democrats.

Observers expect the president to stress three major points -- balanced recruitment of officials from all parts of the country, equitable allocation of budget funds among different regions of the country and just governance based on moral principles and the rule of law.

The president most likely will make an appeal for cooperation from the opposition and the people in the cause of reviving the stagnant economy and securing peace through inter-Korean reconciliation.

Presidential spokesman Park Joon-Young told reporters Sunday that the President would promote national unity and outline the key policies he will pursue in the year ahead.