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N. Korean media intensify unification propaganda

Posted January. 05, 2001 18:43,   


North Korea's state-run media have been drastically increasing their propaganda on the federation formula for unification since the end of last year, a government official said Friday.

North Korean broadcasting stations used to devote much of their time to propagandizing the unification line and denouncing South Korea, the United States and Japan.

But since June's historic inter-Korean summit in Pyongyang, they have reduced these kinds of broadcasts in an apparent effort to foster the newly-created atmosphere of reconciliation on the peninsula, he said.

He also said there has been no particular change in the contents of the North¡¯s unification formula, which based on a federation system.

But the North seems to be prepared to dilute the formula amid economic hardships, and seems to be encouraging unity among its residents by indoctrinating them with the unification formula, he added.