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`Joint Security Area (JSA)¡¯ sets new record of 2,448,700 viewers

`Joint Security Area (JSA)¡¯ sets new record of 2,448,700 viewers

Posted January. 04, 2001 19:44,   


The Korean film "Joint Security Area (JSA)¡¯¡¯ has attracted more viewers in Korea than any movie, including foreign films, ever screened here.

According to its producer, Myung Film, JSA reached a total of 2,448,700 viewers in Seoul, Thursday, eclipsing the previous record of 2,448,000 set by "Swiri.¡¯¡¯ JSA took one more week than Swiri to reach the mark.

Distributor CJ Entertainment plans to continue to screen the movie at five movie houses in Seoul until the middle of this month.

Hong Chan-Sik chansik@donga.com