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Clinton visit to North Korea not likely: diplomatic sources in Washington

Clinton visit to North Korea not likely: diplomatic sources in Washington

Posted December. 24, 2000 20:25,   


Prospects for a visit to North Korea by U.S. President Bill Clinton are waning owing to a delay in a decision on the issue, diplomatic sources in Washington said Saturday.

The sources, on condition of anonymity, forecast that the proposed trip would be scuttled owing to a lack of time and opposition from the Republican Party and the public opinion. Clinton will leave office on Jan. 20.

The White House said Clinton is closely consulting with President-elect George W. Bush on whether to make the visit, and added that he would make a decision based on whether the trip would be helpful to U.S. interests.

A White House spokesman said in a press briefing last week that there would be no decision in the next few days, and a White House official expected no decision until early next year.