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Sit-in paralyzes Myungdong Cathedral

Posted December. 22, 2000 12:05,   


With Christmas only a few days away, the Roman Catholic Church in Myungdong faces traffic paralysis with the largest ever sit-in demonstration, including tents around the church, by the Korea Telecom labor union.

About 10,000 people have shown up for the sit-in, which began Dec. 18, and the tents that have been pitched for each of the branch offices stretch from the church entrance to the entrance of an elementary school to the rear, causing a great inconvenience to the church members.

"Although we do have the responsibility to protect the social underdogs standing up to the injustice of the government, we really cannot consider the massive labor union fighting for selfish benefits an underdog," the Reverend Kim Sung-Man, assistant to the head reverend, said. "Calling themselves victims, they are making the members of this church yet another victim."