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Priest offers counseling for foreign workers

Posted December. 21, 2000 15:55,   


"I`d hope that foreigners will have a pleasant memory of Ilsan, which is known as one of the best residential areas among Koreans."

It is a small hope of priest Kim Eun-Kyu, 41, at the counseling office for foreign workers in Ilsan-gu, Koyang City.

There are about 1,000 foreign workers from 20 countries who are working at plants around the area. Most of them are engaged in tough and dangerous jobs. So they are often injured during their work, but they are not properly treated and compensated for it because they are mostly illegal aliens.

Kim has established the office`s regulations and lets them pay insurance premium each month, arranging for medical services at Ilsan Hospital and several other nearby medical institutions at less than half the regular charge.

He distributed daily necessities Oct. 29 to foreign laborers at Ilsan Information Industry High School with the support of Hugok Town women`s society. On Dec. 10, Kim organized a cultural festival for foreign workers at the auditorium of Ilsan Hospital.

Since March, when the office opened, about 20 volunteers are working for the counseling office, but there is no regular staff, so it is difficult to provide well-organized counseling services.

Kimpo College Prof. Kim Mi-Ae publishes a monthly newsletter for foreign workers that includes Kim`s phone number. In this connection, the foreign workers are continuously giving him a call for consultation or visiting him to get his help.

Lee Dong-Young argus@donga.com