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MDP head poised to resign: Kim to reshuffle party leadership Fri.

MDP head poised to resign: Kim to reshuffle party leadership Fri.

Posted December. 18, 2000 19:47,   


President Kim Dae-Jung will conduct a reshuffle of the ruling Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) Tuesday at the earliest, party sources said Monday. The shakeup that will include the naming of a new official to replace chairman Rep. Suh Young-Hoon, who plans to resign. Kim is also president of the MDP.

Kim Choong-Kwon, former chief secretary to President Kim, is a top contender for the post, while Kim Won-Ki, a party advisor, is another candidate, they said.

Han Kwang-Ok, chief secretary to President Kim, said Monday that the resignation of Kwon Roh-Kap, a Supreme Council member, on Sunday might advance the timing of the reshuffle.

A high-ranking official of the ruling camp strongly hinted that President Kim may nominate the new chairman before Wednesday's scheduled meeting of the party's Political Affairs Committee.

He said that in accordance with the party charter, the appointment of the Supreme Council member would have to be approved by the Political Affairs Committee.

President Kim is expected to conduct a shakeup of major post holders such as secretary general, chief policymaker and floor leader through consultation with the new chairman around Dec. 22, after the candidates' appointments are endorsed by the Political Affairs Committee.

Meanwhile, Kwon, No. 2 man in the ruling camp, resigned as a Supreme Council member Sunday night.

Party chairman Suh also expressed his intention to resign, saying, ``the assimilation of the new and departure of the old is always necessary in order to inject fresh energy into the party.¡±