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Book describes casino dealer¡¯s struggle

Posted December. 14, 2000 13:52,   


A master dealer at the Sheraton Walker Hotel casino in Seoul has published a book of her essays titled ¡°Dealer Even Has No Freedom to Love.¡±

The book, written by Woo Hyo-Jung, 30, contains episodes about her games with gamblers dreaming of making a big fortune with one swoop over the past nine years.

Woo, an aspiring TV actress in her university days, chose the job of a dealer, attracted by the sumptuous image of a casino, she confessed. But what she learned from her experience is that ¡°a dealer needs physical strength rather than beauty,¡± because she or he has to work standing for eight hours a day under tension.

She said she had hard times often because of her absurd mistakes.

¡°Last year I had erroneously opened a card of a customer while proceeding baccarat with 50 million won at stake, but very fortunately he won the game,¡± she said.

In her early days as a novice dealer, a handsome customer from Hong Kong made love to her, yet she could not but abide by the company rules prohibiting dealers from meeting personally with customers, she said.

Yun Jeong-Hoon digana@donga.com