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Results of scholastic aptitude test to come out Tuesday

Posted December. 11, 2000 20:03,   


On Tuesday, the results of the 2001 scholastic aptitude exams will be delivered through high schools and education offices. After the results are announced, only a few days will remain until the deadline for submission of applications for special recruitment programs at local universities.

As the exam was easier this time around, scores increased from last year and the number of students who aced the test is expected to increase from one last year to more than 10. A total of 161 universities will accept special recruitment applications from students after the exam results are released.

Because the test results are better this year, the competition for places under the special recruitment process is expected to be even more fierce than usual.

In order to avoid affecting the national high school rankings, the Ministry of Education press group decided that the names of the schools attended by students with perfect scores would not be revealed.

Lee In-Chul inchul@donga.com