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Quotations of the day

Posted December. 10, 2000 20:42,   


I feel so proud of my fatherland, it¡¯s as if I suddenly grew to two meters. (A remark by an ethnic Korean woman in Japan, quoted by Prof. Chi Myung-Gwan of Hallym University on Sunday while attending the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony for President Kim Dae-Jung in Oslo as a special invited guest).

In order to be on equal footing with men in society, (women) must learn what they have to learn from men. (A portal site aimed at women, My Club, suggesting six things Sunday that women should learn from men, including, ¡°Hold back tears,¡± and ¡°Separate work and home¡±).

Now, I¡¯d better get out of here (an online message board). The police may be coming to investigate. (A netizen of donga.com, criticizing a government crackdown based on ¡°wild rumors¡± Sunday).