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Freezing all day long Monday

Posted December. 10, 2000 20:34,   


With the morning low in Seoul predicted at minus 6 degrees Celsius and the afternoon low at minus one, Monday may be the coldest day this year.

Sub-zero temperatures are also forecast throughout the day for most parts of Kyonggi, Kangwon and Chungchong provinces.

For Seoul, temperatures of three to four degrees below zero are expected to continue through Dec. 12 and 13.

According to the national meteorological agency, the expected continental cold front will bring freezing temperatures to most of the peninsula. Much of the nation is expected to be overcast, with a 30 ~ 40% chance of precipitation, either rain or snow, in the western coastal areas and a 40% ~ 60% chance for Ullungdo and Tokdo islands.

Temperatures on Monday will range from minus 6 to minus 1 in Seoul, minus 6 to 0 in Taejon, minus 9 to minus 3 in Chunchon, minus 2 to 4 in Kwangju and 4 to 11 in Pusan.

An advisory was issued to fishing boat operators that strong waves would accompany the cold snap.