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GNP to join cabinet --- conditionally

Posted December. 05, 2000 20:08,   


Main opposition Grand National Party (GNP) president Lee Hoi-Chang said Tuesday that his party is willing to recommend his party members for cabinet portfolios if President Kim Dae-Jung renounces his membership and presidency of the ruling Millennium Democratic Party (MDP). He said the move was intended facilitate overall reform of the government.

The GNP leader made the remarks in a meeting with the party key post holders. In the meeting, participants exchanged views on the formation of a pan-national or open cabinet derived from some quarters of the ruling camp, said party spokesman Kwon Chul-Hyeon.

Lee was quoted as saying, however, that even if some GNP members join the new cabinet, this would be separate from the party¡¯s participation in a "pan-national or coalition government." He added that there was no basic change in his party¡¯s position that such cabinet participation runs counter to a responsible government system.

Kwon said that Lee was opposed to the party's cabinet participation under the present ruling system but that he was ready to recommend some of the GNP members in compliance with any potential requests for pooling competent manpower.