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[Reporter`s view] Openness sought from ruling party

Posted December. 04, 2000 14:24,   


The meeting of the highest-ranking officials of the ruling Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) on Saturday raised keen interest both within and outside the party.

First of all, many were curious of what was said by the highest-ranking officials to President Kim Dae-Jung at the meeting in the light of the fact that they had pledged to "accurately convey the minds of the people" and to "propose extreme prescriptions." Also of curious note is how President Kim responded to the counsel of the officials.

Many looked expectantly to the meeting as one in which the president, who had a day earlier announced, "As the president, I feel ashamed about the deterioration of the economy," would come to terms with the true state of affairs and the need for the reform of the government.

However, following the meeting, the spokesperson for the ruling MDP Park Byeong-Seug said that while the meeting was serious, "There wasn't much progress nor headway," and he did not comment on the meeting itself. The highest-ranking officials failed to comment at all and stated they pledged among themselves to keep quiet.

Such behavior by the ruling MDP is difficult to accept. If they had conveyed the sentiment of the people to the president exactly as is, there shouldn't be any difficulty for them tell the people exactly what they had told the president. However, a code of silence has been installed.

Even those in the MDP were unsatisfied.

"It appears as though the president and the MDP leadership are not fully aware of the wishes of the people and that the MDP members to know what the president and the MDP leadership think of the current situation and what control measures they have," a party official said Sunday.

Others expressed disappointment of the highest-ranking leadership.

"They are those who became MDP leaders through the votes of the members, not appointed,¡± one observer said. ¡°We should be able to confirm what was said to the president. Does this mean we must seek the minutes of the meeting, (legally)?"

However, the highest-ranking officials vaguely said, "They are too shocking," and, "Depending on the disposition of the news-giver, it might be misunderstood." Such statements seemed nothing more than excuses.

Only when there is an open transparency in the very process of conveying the sentiment of the people to the president can there be correct responses. Only then can all address the solutions arising from them.

Moon Chul fullmoon@donga.com