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Medical insurance premiums for salaried workers to rise more than 20 percent next year

Medical insurance premiums for salaried workers to rise more than 20 percent next year

Posted December. 01, 2000 20:11,   


Medical insurance premiums for salaried workers are expected to rise at least 20 percent beginning next January. But medical fees for patients at neighborhood clinics, which have increased after the implementation of a system to divide the responsibilities of doctors and pharmacists, will be adjusted downward at some levels of amounts.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare arranged a revised bill of the National Health Insurance Law with the highlights and publicly notified it on Friday. The law is scheduled to go into effect next January.

According to the revised bill, the medical insurance funds of salaries workers, government officials and teachers will be integrated. Consequently, the insurance premiums for salaries workers will rise from the current 2.8 percent and 3.4 percent of their total incomes to 3.4 percent or 3.6 percent. If the premium rate is unified into 3.4 percent, the fees for salaried workers will increase more than 20 percent on average.

But those whose monthly incomes have risen or who have to pay premiums increased more than 20 percent due to the adjustment will be allowed to pay only half the increased amount for one year.

Clinics will cost patients a certain fixed amount of money if the total medical expenses are less than 15,000 won. Currently the ceiling is set at 12,000 won. Patients will have to pay 2,500 won if the total medical cost is less than 12,000 won and 3,000 won if the total cost is between 12,000 won and 15,000 won.

In case of first examinations, the burden of a patient will be 1,000 won less than now if the total cost amounts to 15,000 won and 300 won less if the cost is less than 12,000 won.

An elderly person aged 65 and over will be required to pay 1,500 won if the medical cost is less than 12,000 won and 2,000 won if the total cost is between 12,000 won and 15,000 won.

Song Sang-Keun songmoon@donga.com