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N. Korea, EU agree to human rights talks

Posted November. 29, 2000 14:51,   


The European Union's delegates revealed Tuesday after having arrived in Beijing from a visit to North Korea that they have agreed to human rights talks with North Korea and that they are actively considering the expansion of investment into the North.

The EU delegates further said that the North Korean officials expressed interest in market economy education and showed willingness for the promotion of an amicable relationship with the nations in the EU, as well as alleviating its own economic crisis, a clear sign of furthering opening of its door.

Director Percy Westerlund of European Commission said that North Korea was considering a comprehensive approval of the investment proposal of a multinational coalition of businesses investment plan.

However, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs' head of the Asia-Pacific Division Dominique Girard said that the North Korean officials showed no sign of abandoning the communist system of governance and refused to comment on the possible changes to North Korea due to the easing of tensions on the peninsula.