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Cold spell set to hit nation

Posted November. 26, 2000 19:49,   


The mercury is expected to plunge sharply across the nation beginning Monday morning and the cold spell will likely continue through Nov. 28.

The Korea Meteorological Service (KMS) said Sunday that temperatures in the central areas of the nation would drop to below zero with continental high pressure approaching the peninsula from Sunday evening.

Monday morning lows in Seoul will be 0 degrees Celsius, seven degrees lower than Sunday¡¯s and one degree lower than the average for this time of year. But people will feel colder due to strong winds, a KMS official said.

Morning lows by region are expected to be -4 degrees in Chorwon and Taegwallyong Pass, -3 degrees in Chunchon, -1 degrees in Suwon, Taejon, and Chongju, 1 degree in Inchon, 3 degrees in Kangnung, 1 degree in Kwangju, 3 degrees in Taegu, 6 degrees in Pusan and 7 degrees in Cheju.

Meteorologists predicted that the temperature would further plummet to -3 degrees in Seoul on the morning of Nov. 28 and the entire nation, except for the Kangwon, Yongdong, Yongnam and Cheju regions, will have sub-zero temperatures.

Suh Young-A sya@donga.com