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Daewoo Motor's labor union agrees to accept manpower cut

Daewoo Motor's labor union agrees to accept manpower cut

Posted November. 24, 2000 19:24,   


Daewoo Motor's management and labor union in the commercial vehicles sector signed an agreement on the company's self-rescue plan, which includes a proposal for cuts in its workforce, on Friday. However, the management and labor union of Daewoo¡¯s Pupyong plant, the carmaker's key facility, failed to reach an agreement due to their differences over the reduction of manpower.

Jin Sang-Bom, vice president of the Kunsan business division of Daewoo Motor's commercial vehicle sector, and Choi Jae-Hoon, chairman of the labor union, announced that they had reached an agreement on the workforce cuts and the promotion of job training for retirees.

Meantime, in the third day of negotiations with the labor union of Pupyong plant, Daewoo management suggested that the union sign a written agreement on the need for restructuring across the board, including in the business structure, parts, product pricing and workforce areas.