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Kim, Vietnamese PM agree to cement political, economic ties

Kim, Vietnamese PM agree to cement political, economic ties

Posted November. 23, 2000 19:30,   


Upon arriving in Singapore Thursday to attend the annual summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plus Three -- Korea, China and Japan, President Kim Dae-Jung held a summit meeting with Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai. The two leaders shared the view that U.S. President Bill Clinton's visit to Vietnam and the conclusion of a trade agreement between the United States and Vietnam will speed up the Southeast Asian nation's entry into the world community and energize its economic growth. They also agreed to step up mutual efforts to increase trade and investment between Korea and Vietnam.

A power breakfast on Nov. 24 will offer an opportunity for a trilateral summit comprising President Kim, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori. The three leaders will discuss a range of cooperative measures in the political, economic and cultural fields, among others.

Choi Young-Mook ymook@donga.com