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Top defector told to leave safe house

Posted November. 23, 2000 19:48,   


North Korean defector Hwang Jang-Yop was relieved of the presidency of the Institute of National Unification Policy, under the wing of the National Intelligence Service (NIS), it was reported Wednesday.

Hwang, former secretary of the North Korean Workers¡¯ Party, was also told to leave the safe house of the NIS, together with Kim Dok-Hong, who came to the South with Hwang in 1997. Kim was also fired from his post as advisor of the institute.

The nation¡¯s top intelligence agency¡¯s action came after Hwang, 77, and Kim issued a statement that the NIS restricted their activities outside.

¡°After our statement was reported by newspapers, the NIS notified us Wednesday that Hwang and I were dismissed as president and advisor of the Unification Policy Research Institute,¡± Kim said. ¡°On Wednesday afternoon, an NIS official visited us and said it would be better for us to leave the safe house because the NIS¡¯s special care for us was shifted to the normal care (by police).

¡°We were about to resolve the problem concerning the restriction on our activities through consultation with the NIS while staying at the safe house, as we do not oppose the government policies. But now we will tell the people the latest situation, reveal our demands (to the NIS) and leave the house.¡±

An NIS spokesman said: ¡°We could not but take this measure because the two caused troubles while being protected residing in the facility in the precincts of NIS. We are now mapping out a new plan to guard them with policy to ensure their safety.¡±

Ha Tae-Won scooop@donga.com