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Korean Air flies to Taiwan after 8-year hiatus

Posted November. 22, 2000 19:54,   


For the first time in the 8 years and 3 months since Korea and Taiwan broke off formal relations, a Korean chartered flight flew between Kimpo, Taipei and Kimhae airports.

KE3611 departed Kimpo Airport Wednesday morning at 6:10 and arrived at Taipei Airport 2 hours later. The plane carried 259 passengers, mainly members of the Taiwan Lion¡¯s Club and a cultural group attending the 39th Oriental and Southeast Asian Lion's Forum (Nov. 23-26). It arrived in Pusan at 12:00 noon.

Since formal relations between Korea and Taiwan were severed in August 1992, Cathay Pacific and Thai Airways had been flying the route.

The chartered flight was arranged through the request of the Taiwan Lion¡¯s Club, which had trouble securing a sufficient number of seats. Approval was given by both the Korean and Taiwanese authorities. The chartered plane will fly between the 2 nations again to return the people attending the Lion¡¯s Club event on Nov. 26.

Jo Young-Hwi silent@donga.com