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Korea, Chile to expedite conclusion of FTA

Posted November. 14, 2000 19:53,   


President Kim Dae-Jung, currently on a state visit to Brunei, held a series of summits with Chile, New Zealand and Mexico on Tuesday at the Sheraton Walker Hotel, where he is staying. Kim exchanged views with his counterparts on measures to promote bilateral economic cooperation and friendship, including the conclusion of a free trade agreement (FTA).

During the summit talks between President Kim Dae-Jung and his Chilean counterpart, Ricardo Lagos, the two leaders, noting that seasonal farm products in their respective countries supplement each other, agreed to conclude a free trade pact in order to expedite the mutual trade of agricultural products.

During their talks, the Chilean president extended an invitation to President Kim to visit his country, and the Korean president said that he would positively consider his visit to Central and South America next year.

President Kim also met with his Mexican counterpart and the two men reached an accord on the conclusion of an investment guarantee treaty and the expansion of mutual economic cooperation, as well as the conclusion of a free trade agreement.

At Kim's talks with the leaders of the three nations, the President asked for their collaboration in helping North Korea to become a responsible member of the international community, and the three leaders promised their positive cooperation in this respect.